This text has been posted on Instagram and got a lot of grateful comments Believing that one creates/manifests their own life can feel comforting. For many years, I lived by that principle myself. Until I became seriously ill with Graves’ disease (an autoimmune thyroid disease). I felt like it was my fault. That I had, … Read more

Dear all, The Metal Element has arrived. According to Traditional Chinese Medicine, the Lungs and Large Intestine are in focus. In other words Detox. To clear away what´s not needed. To let what´s needed, that which is valuable, constructive and loving remain in our lives. Grief is the feeling associated with The Metal Element. To … Read more


It is early morning on Södermalm, Stockholm. Usually we hear the ”Bromma flight” rush past our roof at 7.00 AM. We call it the ”seven o’clock airplane”, but now it’s quiet. Quieter than in the cottage out on the country… Only a month ago we couldn’t imagine in our wildest fantasies, that the seven-airplane would … Read more